Shake Rattle & Roll Albums!
The CDs are €15 each or buy them both for €25 (including postage & packaging)

Both albums start with the hello song and finish with the goodbye song, so they are like a session in your very own home!
We can send you the physical CDs and the MP3 files.... and of course the lyrics so that you can all sing along and learn the words together!
Disc 1:
The Hello Song ( WORDS BY B. Quiroz)
Shake rattle and Roll! (words & music by A. Doherty)
The wheels on the bus
3 little speckled frogs
Row row row your boat
3 little Monkeys
Down in the jungle
We’re going to Kentucky
Shake & stop (words & music by A.Doherty)
I'm a little teapot
She’ll be coming round the mountain
The Grand Old Duke Of York
Alice the Camel
Baa Baa Black sheep
Can you hear them? (words & music by A. Doherty)
Miss Polly Had a Dolly
The Animal Fair
Hickory Dickory Dock
3 little ducks
Yellow Submarine (Lennon & McCartney)
Sleeping Bunnies
The Goodbye song (words by J. Daley & A. Doherty)
Disc 2:
The Hello Song ( WORDS BY B. Quiroz)
Are you ready? (words & music by A. Doherty)
Humpty Dumpty (traditional)
10 little Indians
Shake, Shake, shake and stop! (words & music by A. Doherty)
Baker's Shop
The 7 day Rap (words & music by A. Doherty)
Shake rattle and Roll! (words & music by A. Doherty)
2 kittle Dickybirds
The Elephant dance (words & music by A. Doherty)
Everybody Shake (words & music by A. Doherty)
The Jungle Rap (words & music by A. Doherty)
Rock it Ship (words & music by A. Doherty)
Jack n Jill
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Monster's Mouth (words & music by A. Doherty)
The Goodbye song (words by J. Daley & A. Doherty)
We can send you the physical CDs and the MP3 files.... and of course the lyrics so that you can all sing along and learn the words together!
Just send us a message with your order and we can take it from there!